In an ever-changing landscape, 2020 sure has taught us to be adaptable and ready for anything. Typically we encourage students and families to engage in appropriate social behavior and create venues for this to occur; we believe that part of school is meeting that human need to connect. We believe that the most successful students of this generation will possess the technical skills of their peers and have the good graces of their grandparents, being able to look people in their eyes and seal a deal with the shaking of hands.
Well, in 2020 with the current situation, we still want our students and families to connect, albeit while 6 feet apart. Who knew that being slightly socially awkward and standing approximately 2 to 4 times further away than from others than normal when conversing would be a new rage. Yet here we are, and right now social distancing helps keep our students learning and our staff at school.
We advocate and promote that everyone follows the 3 Ws: wash your hands, wear a mask, and watch your distance. Of these three, the only one that helps avoid close contact (as defined by the CDC) is watching your distance. Please avoid social gatherings that do not allow people to stay 6 feet apart to help us keep face-to-face instruction.
Close contact quarantine is more likely to prevent students or staff from participating in school than COVID-19 itself. Currently, close contact is defined by the CDC as within 6ft for 15 minutes or more cumulatively within a 24-hour timeframe. So for right now, please be socially awkward and encourage others to do so as well.
#Awkward_maybe_your_new_superpower #better_together_at_a_distance