The Hemlock Sports Boosters Volunteer Award is given yearly to a Booster volunteer who has supported the school and student athletics over many years. This person dedicates many hours of their time offering their talent to make the Sports Boosters a successful organization, which enables them to keep providing the uniforms and equipment that you see our athletes using everyday.
This year's Hemlock Sports Boosters volunteer award goes to Gary Devereaux. Gary has been the voice of Hemlock basketball, JV Football, and Track and Field for many years. Gary also MC'd our trivia night for many years, and volunteer's his time to improve everyone's experience at Hemlock sporting events. Gary has set a high bar of excellence and dedication to Hemlock athletics.
All four of Gary's children played Hemlock sports and have long since graduated, and yet he remains faithful in his dedication to our district. Gary was honored in front of his family, fans and the community, during the Varsity Basketball Games on Friday, February 10th. Please join us in congratulating Gary and his wife Lynette for his many years of service and dedication to Hemlock athletics and our great community.