The building has received many upgrades that make our learning environment an even better place for students to learn. Sometimes when we are in a space every day, we don’t notice the nuances that it contains. This was very evident with our wayfinding. The installation of new signage in the building has helped make finding our way around much easier. These signs not only help new students or guests, but all who need to navigate our building.
Our Media Center has received some much needed upgrades over the course of the last few months. The room has received new flooring, furniture, and technology. This room will allow for teachers to use it as a whole class as well. The soft seating is very comfortable and still allows students to utilize their Chromebooks.
We also have created a new home for our LiveSchool initiative. As part of our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports initiative (PBIS) we utilize a platform called LiveSchool. This platform allows us to reward students for doing the right thing. This platform is also a token economy where students can save points that they have earned. We have created a LiveSchool store that is now located in our cafeteria. Parents can even log-in to a parent dashboard where they can track their students' successes. A paper flier will be coming home with details on how to sign up.
One of the best upgrades of the summer was the installation of a Gaga Ball pit behind our school building. Every day, during two lunch periods, there is always a line to participate. The students seem to really enjoy this addition. It is just another way that we try to get our students active.
For more information on middle school activities, or to answer any questions, you can email the Principal Joshua Chase at, or check us out on Facebook.