
Triumph and innovation filled the air this past weekend as Hemlock's championship FIRST Robotics Team, "Hemlock’s Gray Matter 5712", won Bot-Bash for the second year in a row at the much-anticipated pre-season event held in Midland, Michigan.

 The event witnessed fierce competition as 32 teams from across the state showcased their technological prowess and strategic ingenuity. Gray Matter 5712's performance stood out as a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovation the young minds have invested in their robotic endeavors.

For this spirited team from Hemlock, the event wasn’t just about the victory. Gray Matter 5712 is a team that holds values of professionalism, collaboration, and mutual growth at its core. "Winning is always exciting, but what truly pushes us is the passion to learn, collaborate, and evolve together," said Ana Rodriguez, the team’s driver.

The team, well-known in the FIRST Robotics community, has always emphasized the importance of gracious professionalism, both on and off the competition floor. Their teamwork and mutual respect for one another were evident in every move, every decision, and every strategy they deployed.

The audience and fellow competitors could sense the unity and camaraderie within Gray Matter 5712. “We had our share of challenges,” said Daniel Killingbeck, Gray Matter’s Operator, “we broke our robot's wrist which took over an hour to repair and we had some in-match problems to overcome, but those are the things that help us to grow.”

As the Hemlock community celebrates this significant accomplishment, they also take pride in knowing that Gray Matter 5712 is not just a team that builds robots but builds character, fostering a generation of forward-thinking, collaborative, and professional young adults.

The season ahead promises more challenges and opportunities for growth. With this momentum, Gray Matter 5712 is poised to achieve new heights, always remembering that the journey of collaboration and growth is as important as any victory.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Tom Lockwood | Communications Director, Hemlock FIRST Robotics

Email: | Phone: [989-295-5551]

About Gray Matter 5712:

Hemlock's Gray Matter 5712 is a championship FIRST Robotics Team dedicated to fostering skills in robotics, teamwork, and character-building among young people. Rooted in values of professionalism, collaboration, and mutual growth, the team continues to be a beacon of inspiration for students and the community at large.

About FIRST Robotics:

For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) is a global youth-serving nonprofit organization aimed at inspiring young people's interest and participation in science and technology through robotics competitions.