On Halloween morning, the second-grade students of K.C. Ling Elementary School embarked on a heartwarming journey to bring smiles, laughter, and a little extra magic to the residents of Shields Comfort Care. Dressed in a colorful array of costumes, our young students shared the spirit of the holiday by going trick-or-treating with the elderly residents at the facility.
Accompanied by their teachers, the second graders were welcomed with open arms by the residents of Shields Comfort Care. They interacted with the residents, shared stories, and spread Halloween cheer. The smiles and laughter that filled the facility were heartwarming and exemplified the true spirit of the season.
Principal Gensch shared her thoughts on the event, saying, "We believe it is important to instill a sense of kindness and community in our students from a young age. Our second graders had a fantastic time spreading Halloween joy, and I am incredibly proud of their compassion and enthusiasm. This experience was not only enriching for our students but also uplifting for the residents of Shields Comfort Care."
K.C. Ling Elementary is committed to fostering a sense of community and social responsibility in its students. Events like the Halloween visit to Shields Comfort Care are an integral part of this mission, and we look forward to continuing to create opportunities for our students to give back to the community.
#HemlockStrong #BetterTogether #Huskietastic #HuskieHalloween