Ready for School

Getting ready for another exciting year of growth and discovery at Hemlock Public School District? We've got you covered, parents! Here are ten tips to help your Huskies gear up for the new school year:

  1. Re-establish Routines: Gradually shift bedtimes and wake-up times to align with the school schedule. Consistent routines help kids adjust better.

  2. Talk About Goals: Discuss what they hope to achieve in the upcoming school year. Setting goals can motivate them and give them something to strive for.

  3. Practice the Commute: If your child is new to Hemlock this year, or you’re using a different mode of transportation, practice the route together to make them feel more comfortable.

  4. Update Medical Records: Ensure all vaccinations and health records are up to date. Schedule any necessary doctor or dental appointments, and don’t forget sports physicals.

  5. Organize School Supplies: Make a list of necessary supplies and go shopping together. Let kids personalize their items to make them more excited about using them.

  6. Label Belongings: Label all personal items, including backpacks, lunchboxes, and clothing, to prevent them from getting lost.

  7. Encourage Positivity: Talk about the exciting aspects of school, such as seeing friends, participating in favorite activities, and learning new things. Positivity can ease any anxiety they might have.

These tips should help make the transition back to school smoother and more enjoyable for both kids and parents. Here's to a #Huskietastic school year ahead at Hemlock!

#HemlockHuskies #HemlockStrong #Since1863 #BackToSchool