Return to Learn Plan

Dear Huskie Pack: 

The Hemlock Board of Education unanimously approved the district's return to learn plan at their regularly scheduled  board meeting August 12, 2020, at 6 PM.  This vote provides parents choices. Each family will need to make decisions based on what is best for them. 

Click here  to review an overview of the district's plan. 

Click here  to review the current tentative calendar. 

Click here  to watch the building administrators and myself talk about the start of the school year. 

Hemlock Public School District plans to start the school year with a soft start (8/24 - 9/3) and move into a hybrid model (9/8 - TBD 10/2) with students attending face-to-face instruction 4 days a week and Fridays attending school remotely.

Options available to parents:   

  •  Face-to-Face, Hybrid model, default 
  • Remote synchronized instruction, Y5/K through 12th grade. Students will receive a traditional schedule and receive work to be completed remotely and graded by their classroom. teacher(s). Students may start with Face-to-Face and move to remote learning. Commitment, marking period. 
  • Virtual Instruction, 7-12th grade. This is a self-paced program administered through the district's alternative education program.  Commitment, semester. 

Again, the default plan is face-to-face, if parents would like to consider the other options (remote/virtual) they should contact their child's building principal preferably no later than Wednesday, August 19th (virtual open house). 

  • Hemlock Elementary Y5-K, Preschool, and Childcare (989) 642-5221
  • K.C. Ling Elementary Grades 1-4, (989) 642-5235
  • Hemlock Middle School Grades 5-8, (989) 642- 5253
  • Hemlock High School Grades 9-12, Alt. Ed., and Early Middle College, (989) 642-5287
  • District, (989) 642-5282 

We are here to serve our students and families; if you have questions or concerns, please give your child's building principal or me a call.

All the best, 

Don Killingbeck Jr., Ed.D. 

Superintendent of Schools 

Additional Resources: 

HPSD Complete Return to Learn Plan

State of Michigan, COVID-19 Return to School Toolkit

Update Transportation Information, Transportation Return to School Roadmap

Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols

New Student Enrollment Information