This is our 16th week of the 2020-2021 school year. It remains our goal to provide you with regular updates.
We will continue as scheduled for PK-8 with face-to-face instruction and based on the MDHHS order our high school students grade 9-12 will remain remote until after the Christmas break.
Next week, it will be my goal to provide you a tentative snapshot for the month of January so that you can best prepare and schedule accordingly.
We appreciate everyone's patience as our team of teachers, support staff, and building principals have been able to provide more face-to-face instruction than any other public school district in our county.
Our team continues to refine our COVID-19 Dashboard with data updates in real-time and a location that brings pertinent information together into an easy to access place.
We need everyone to continue to do their part by doing daily health screeners, keeping sick children home, and following the 3 W's: wear a mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance.
Please do not send children to a school with any sickness symptoms, cough, fever, etc. Sending children sick to school places our face-to-face instruction program at risk and creates inconvenience for you when we have to send your child home before the end of the school day.
Please continue to encourage your child to utilize our free breakfast and lunch program for all; it makes your morning easier knowing that breakfast and lunch are already taken care of. We also have times for you to pick up free food for all students when we have remote days (989) 642-4700 for more information.
If you ever having any questions or concerns please give me a call (989) 642-5282.
All the best,
Don Killingbeck, Supt.