
This is our 18th week of the 2020-2021 school year. It remains our goal to provide you with regular updates. We are excited to have turned the last page on 2020 and start a new year with all of our Huskies on-campus learning face-to-face for the first time since mid-November.

Our staff continues to demonstrate a commitment to our students that is unmatched as we work to provide the highest quality education possible under our ever-changing circumstances. 

We communicated about the future of snow days in a recent article published on the district's website and via an interview with ABC 12 News. In the interview, I made it clear that we may have a traditional snow day or two but definitely not twelve days without any form of learning like we did the year before last. If there is a snow day on a scheduled face-to-face this school year, the first one or two will be just like we have had in the past; after that, there will be some level of flexible learning. 

We are working in cooperation with the Saginaw County Health Department for our staff to have the option for a voluntary COVID-19 Vaccine if they should select to do so. The timeline on distribution to school personnel appears to be 3-4 weeks from now. 

Again, our team continues to refine our COVID-19 Dashboard with data updates in real-time and a location that brings pertinent information together into an easy-access place.

All the best, 

Don Killingbeck, Supt.