
Hemlock Parents,

On Thursday, February 25, through Sunday, February 28, 2021, Hemlock Public School District will be having a majority of the staff members receiving their 2nd COVID-19 vaccination.  

Not knowing how many of our staff will experience significant "after-effects" of the vaccine, the
Hemlock Public School District is deciding to have all of our "in-person" learners go to "remote" learning for three (3) days, Friday, February 26th, Monday, March 1st, and Tuesday, March 2nd.

Though we are disappointed to have to do so, we see this as a far better option than canceling school the morning of these days because we do not have enough bus drivers able to get students to school or teachers able to cover our classes.

We apologize for having to do this and expect that our preparation provides a better learning opportunity than our reaction might be to this situation.  We hope and believe that this decision, made now, is in the best interest of our students and you as their parents.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Don Killingbeck