
This week is the 27th week for the 2020-2021 school year. 

One Year Ago,  it was 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 12, 2020, when Governor Whitmer went live on the airwaves to announce that out of an abundance of caution, K-12 schools would close for three weeks. We have learned many lessons over this year, one of which is that our Huskie Pack is agile and able to handle the challenges thrown our way. 

At this time, we do have one incident of a student at our high school that contracted COVID-19 not related to school but has resulted in 13 students being quarantined.  Click here to review our COVID-19 Dashboard with data updates in real-time. This link brings pertinent information together into one easy-to-access place.

As you look ahead at the calendar for March, we only have one remote learning day that remains for the month, which is Friday, March 26th. That day will be asynchronous learning as well to provide everyone flexibility as we head into spring break.

We will start to work on version 3.0 of the district's strategic plan this spring and will be seeking input from our stakeholders. Click here to view our current plan

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know.

All the best, 
