Tom Lockwood

Leadership Profile, Thomas Lockwood 

Leading in good times is a challenge; leading over the last year is
more than that; it is multi-faceted, moving targets, dealing with
difficult people, which for some starts in the morning when you look
in the mirror, and so much more.

The leadership of Thomas Lockwood, Hemlock Public School District
Technology Director, through the school shut down, return to learn
plan, managing department staffing shortages, and more has kept our
students and staff online.

Superintendent Don Killingbeck said, “Thomas Lockwood is a Huskie Pack
champion, every morning when his feet hit the ground, he is pulling
the sled and moving our team forward."

Lockwood's career in technology includes over 20+ years of providing
leadership to the HPSD technology department and providing shared
services with a neighboring district. He was one of our regions STEM
Star's for 2020 and continues to light the way with innovation,
collaboration, and more.

Thomas is a passionate lifelong learner that continues to grow and
challenge those around him with his servant leadership style. Lockwood
is set to retire after this school year but will likely be a fixture
with the district for years and years to come.

For those interested in working in our technology department, they
should contact the district at (989) 642-5282 and start their journey