
This week is our 29th week for the 2020-2021 school year.

We have been very fortunate to provide face-to-face instruction throughout this school year with minimal disruption. All facets of our school community have worked together to make this possible for our students.

Friday, March 26th, will be an asynchronous remote learning day, and we will be on spring break with no face-to-face or remote learning on Monday, March 28th through Monday, April 5th, Tuesday, April 6th will be remote synchronous learning with students and staff returning to school for face-to-face instruction on Wednesday, April 7th.  This is a strategy that we have used for past breaks when people may travel or gather in larger groups while away from school. Please remember to vigilant and follow all protocols and conduct health screeners when returning to school. Upon return from spring break, we will work to open our cafeterias to students gradually. 

As I said last week, we know that some students need to catch up academically. With that in mind, we are developing a robust learning program offering for our students and families to help all children achieve at their personal best.

At this time, we do not have any new COVID-19 school-related cases to report; click here to review our COVID-19 Dashboard with data updates in real-time. This link brings pertinent information together into one easy-to-access place.

As mentioned previously, we will start to work on version 3.0 of the district's strategic plan this spring and will be seeking input from our stakeholders. Click here to view our current plan.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know.

All the best,
