Hemlock, MI – Hemlock Public School District is experiencing growing pains. The district, which is considered a destination by many in the region, has had the most stable enrollment in years after decades of decline. Currently, the district is approximately 300 students larger than projected over the last several years, based on long term data trends. Now, not only is it stable, but it appears that more and more parents see Hemlock Public School District as the best option for their children and family.
Board President Matt Wesener said, “If you go back 6-7 years our number one concern was declining enrollment. Through the tremendous efforts of all the staff and leadership we have been able to turn that corner and now we are excited about the future and all the great things happening at Hemlock.”
Due to the growth, the district has added about a half dozen new classrooms to the elementary school program over the last few years. Hemlock Public Schools is focused on providing the highest quality education possible with a dedicated and caring staff. The district has a strong emphasis on service to students and families, world class programming, and leading the way in the region both with instructional technology and ensuring that students understand the value of personal interaction.
With this growth in mind the Board of Education has an eye on the future and has partnered up with Tower Pinkster, one of the top architecture firms in the State of Michigan to help develop a master plan for the district. The master plan will help create a vision of what the future will hold 3 to 30 years out.
“We are blessed with an amazing and supportive community, and it is nice to see the fruits of our labor with school improvement not only on campus but throughout our community, as more and more people want to be part of the Hemlock Huskie Pack. The process is wonderful and will have the opportunity for input from community members, parents, staff, and even students”, said Superintendent Killingbeck.
For more information about this or other positive happenings at Hemlock Public School District give us a call at (989) 642-5282.