The Hemlock Board of Education met on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, and formally authorized a COVID-19 Taskforce entrusted with reviewing and adjusting procedures and protocols in real-time. The Hemlock Public School District has taken a very proactive common sense approach in our fight against COVID-19 that involves using data, best practices, and making decisions where and when there are concerns rather than applying a one size fits all solution.
Dr. Don Killingbeck, Superintendent, said, "Times like this call for us to follow Muhammad Ali's boxing strategy, float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. We need to be agile and flexible to do our best for students."
At this point, Hemlock Public School District is in its 4th week of school and has provided more face-to-face instruction than any other public school around. We value relationships and our partnership with parents and the community to keep everyone safe.