

Matt Wesener, Board President

Don Killingbeck, Superintendent

Hemlock Board Opposes Voucher Movement

Hemlock, MI - At their regular June meeting, the Hemlock Board of Education unanimously voted to oppose the voucher movement and align themselves with the Michigan Constitution, which states, "No public monies or property shall be appropriated or paid or any public credit utilized, by the legislature or any other political subdivision or agency of the state directly or indirectly to aid or maintain any private, denominational, or other nonpublic, pre-elementary, elementary, or secondary school." 

This initiative is based on vetoed House Bills 4504 and 4505, and vetoed Senate Bills 687, and 688 conferred an eventual $1 billion per year in unconstitutional tax credits to be used for an unconstitutional, backdoor private school voucher program. 

Board President Matt Wesener said, “As a public school system we are almost entirely dependent upon state funding to operate the district and provide a safe and effective learning environment for our kids.  The current voucher system proposal would cause irreparable harm to our district and its ability to provide that safe educational environment.”

The Hemlock Public School District Board of Education opposes the "Let MI Kids Learn" and "Student Opportunity Scholarship" statutory initiatives being solicited by the organization called "Let MI Kids Learn" and urges community members to decline to sign the petitions for the initiatives, and calls upon the Legislature to reject the statutory initiatives in the event they are presented to the Legislature; and calls upon the Legislature, in the event they do not reject the statutory initiatives, to refrain from voting on them, to allow the citizens of Michigan to vote on the matter.

For more information about this or other positive happenings, visit us on the web at www.hemlockps.com, or please feel free to call (989) 642-5282.
