Limited School of Choice

Hemlock Public School District has a limited school of choice policy so families residing outside the district boundaries and are interested in having their children attend the 2022-2023 school year need to submit their application for consideration. Click here for the application. To schedule your conversation today contact one of our building principals or call us at (989) 642-5282 or email

 Board President, Matt Wesener, said, “We have been utilizing the limited school of choice model for quite a few years now and it has proven to be a very successful model for the district and for servicing our students.”

 The district has been fortunate to consistently maintain enrollment higher than projection for the last several years. It appears that some families have moved into the district while others have selected school of choice as an option.  Hemlock is known to be a safe and friendly school with excellent academics and lots of extra curricular opportunities for students.

 The district launched a childcare center, early middle college program, STEM Center and has a robust 1:1 computing initiative in place to support anywhere, anytime, and any place learning.  Along, with a full offering of athletics, performing arts, industrial arts, and robotics.  Hemlock Public School District is focused on continued improvement and service to families.