
Over the summer, the school district replaced sections of the roof at K.C. Ling and high school, completed major site improvements at the middle school and K.C. Ling with outdoor learning spaces, and fresh asphalt along with flooring projects at every building, painting, furniture and more!

Board of Education President Matt Wesener said, “Hemlock Schools continue to move forward, continuously making improvements around every corner.  Many thanks to the Hemlock team for their continued efforts in making us such a fantastic district!”

The flooring crew might have taken a break for this photo, but we can assure you it was short.  Despite all the progress over the summer, the district continues to press forward with more improvements, with flooring and furniture projects slated to continue later in the fall of this school year and perhaps beyond.

The overarching goal is to positively impact every student, every classroom, and every school building and enhance the student, staff, and family experience.