Leon Zastrow, HBA Citizen of the Year

Hemlock Public School District is excited to see Leon Zastrow being honored this year as the Hemlock Business Association Citizen of the Year. 

Board President Matt Wesener said, “What a well-deserved honor for Leon.  He does so much for the schools and the community.  It’s almost impossible to find him not working or contributing in some valuable way at any fundraising or sporting event.  Thanks for all you do!”

Leon Zastrow, aka "Mr. Hemlock," is always focused on making our school and community a better place. He is part of a long tradition of Hemlock High School graduates as alumni from the class of 1995. After college, Leon is the latest member of the Zastrow Popcorn dynasty to lead the family-owned business since its conception in 1930. 

Hemlock Business Association nomination form noted, "It's rumored that he might be howling at full moons as he has huskie blood running through his veins." In addition to leading a family business, he is involved in the Hemlock Pep Club, Hemlock Sports Boosters, and much more. Leon and his wife Noreen have three children, and their boys all attend Hemlock High School. 

Join the Hemlock Business Association for the annual Fall Harvest Dinner on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at Maple Grille. Auction, dinner, with awards at 6 PM.