Communication is a Two-Way Street

The Hemlock Public School District believes in partnering with families and the community as a whole is critical to our vision and mission and in any relationship, communication is crucial.

President Matt Wesener, said, “The district depends upon the support of the community in order to thrive.  Having open dialog and feedback has helped to shape and guide us.  Providing opportunities to grow that communication is something we continually work towards.”

The school district working to enhance and improve communication over the last few years has updated the website, added an app, and has social media streams at every building and district wide but has not stopped there.

More recently the district has added two more additional tools to our communication tool belt, the first “Let’s Talk Hemlock,” which is an interactive website where stakeholders can share ideas with the district anonymously if they wish, and others can chime in as well. The district is currently running a contest called: every dog wants to be a Hemlock Huskie,  along with a couple of other projects to increase participation with this tool.

The second, most recently added is a tool called: “Let’s Connect Hemlock,” this is a link to allow stakeholders to share questions or concerns and have someone get back with them in timely manner.

Check us out at: Let’s Talk Hemlock, Let’s Connect, or visit us on the web at We believe authentic two-way communication is important to the work we do and to better serve our families, students, and community.

If you should ever have questions that need answering or concerns to share, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate school personnel or reach out to the school superintendent Don Killingbeck at (989) 642-5282.