Only 1 month left of early registration for Summer Recreation! Reserve your child's spot today.
Every child is an artist!
Learning never takes a vacation. Read a book over spring break! Visit, Rauchholz Memorial Library.
Hemlock’s robotics team Gray Matter competing in the finals today at Dow High in Midland. #GoHuskies #GoGrayMatter
Watch today's Midland FIRST Robotics competition online:
Hemlock High School Robotics Team, dominating match play today at Dow High in Midland, 7-1 for the day. Currently ranked 4th. #Go Huskies
Character day at Hemlock Elementary.
Reminder: Spring Break-March 26-April 2!
Lunch Menu Changes: Due to no school today, we will have the following menu:
Thursday: Boneless wings or pepperoni pizza, romaine lettuce, fresh cauliflower and baby carrots, sliced pears, apple juice, and milk variety
Friday: Walking Taco or cheese pizza, romaine lettuce, refried beans, a vegetable, applesauce, apple juice, and milk.
Download our app today for important notifications-
Donate blood at the Richland Township Hall on Thursday, March 29th and receive a T-shirt for your child in Hemlock Public Schools! Sign Up Here!
No school Wednesday, March 21st. Due to a water main break that services the middle school. Childcare will remain open. This is for all school buildings. Sorry for the inconvenience.
8th grader Chayton Ross
Spelling Bee
State Champion
Happy St. Patrick's Day! First grade students are hoping to find a Leprechaun or two in their traps on Monday morning.
Back to the 80’s!
Learning today - Leading tomorrow!
Paw Ball was a huge success! Thank you to the committee members, the businesses that donated fantastic prizes, HPS staff, Swan Valley Banquet Center, and our FABULOUS community!
Camp Invention campers will create a vehicle of the future, design a mechanical robot dog, build futuristic dream homes, and make dinos dance using wind-up gearboxes. Register today!
Hemlock's Gray Matter is competing today in a 40 team robotics competition at Kettering University.
K.C. Ling robotic team wins construction innovation!!! #WTG