Thank you to our building leaders, Principal Gensch, Keyser, and Green! #Thankyou #NationalPrincipalsMonth #HPSD
about 7 years ago, Kids First!
Super Principal
Infrastructure needs at the Middle School, watch: For information visit:
about 7 years ago, Kids First!
HMS Video
about 7 years ago, Kids First!
New, Sharing Library at K.C. Ling Elementary. Leave a book, take a book, either way just make sure to read a book!
about 7 years ago, Kids First!
Sharing Library
What is a sinking fund? It is a funny name for something that is used to help a school district maintain and enhance facilities and technology.
about 7 years ago, Kids First!
sinking fund description
October is National Principals Month. Visit: #Thank-a-Principal
about 7 years ago, Kids First!
National Principals Month
This is a message from Hemlock Public Schools. Students do not have school on Monday, October 2, 2017, due to teacher's professional development day. ​Enjoy the long weekend! Go Huskies!
over 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Building and Grounds Director, Rick Crofoot talks about Hemlock Elementary infrastructure needs. Another community informational meeting tomorrow morning 8AM at KC Ling Elementary
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
Looking for a job? Start working now.
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
October 2-NO SCHOOL-Teacher Professional Day
over 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
No School-October 2
BST and Mechanical Drawing students listen to Sarah Vallier from Spicer Group about STEM Explorer programs.
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
Spicer Group Presents
FYI - Parents, great photo opportunity, the Huskie Pack sign is located behind the Historical Society for everyone to use. #HPSD
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
You're invited! We are hosting a series of meetings to help inform voters about the HPSD sinking fund vote on November 7th.
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
Invitation for information meetings regarding sinking fund.
Hemlock High School Senior Homecoming Court!
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
Senior Court
Y5 students wish our Huskies "Good Luck!"
over 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Young 5 class wishes "Good Luck" to  Hemlock Varsity Football
We are getting ready; the Huskie Pack will be home Friday night for Homecoming against St.Charles!
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
Hello Huskies, Just a reminder, tomorrow, Thursday, September 21st is picture day for both Hemlock Elementary and K.C. Ling Elementary. Pictures can be ordered that day bringing your picture envelope or ordered online using the Picture Day ID LM437102Y0 . Questions, please contact your student’s building secretary. Go Huskies!
over 7 years ago, Lela Gronski
Homecoming Parade!
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
Homecoming Parade 9.22.17 at 5 PM
You’re Invited! The Michigan Department of Education invites you to give feedback on the design for the new Transparency Dashboard. Click here:
over 7 years ago, Kids First!
Excellence in Education since 1863
over 7 years ago, Kids First!