Members of the HPSD Administrative Council spent time this week working together to help make the 2017-18 the best for students and families!

Children and flowers both bloom at Hemlock Public School District!

The 2017-18 SY starts in 11 days!

The 2017-18 SY starts in 12 days!

HPSD is excited to partner with SISD to have Janice Kato work with our team as an instructional technology coach! #dynamicduo #anywhereanytimelearning

Football Scrimmage Time Change both will be at 9:00am Jv @ John Glenn bus leaves at 7:30------ 9:00am Varsity @SVSU bus leaves at 7:45

We are so excited at Hemlock Public School District to be greeting students soon; the first day is Tuesday, August 29th!

Hemlock Huskies represent the highest level of sportsmanship! #TVC #HuskieTradition #MHSAA_ZERO_Negative_Reports

Hemlock BOE honors members of the support staff negotiation team at their regular August meeting. #jobwelldone

We are so excited at Hemlock Public School District to be greeting students soon; the first day is Tuesday, August 29th!

We have set “Welcome Back to School Night” Orientation/Curriculum Night for Wednesday, August 23. That night, students/parents will receive their schedules and locker number/combination, learn about middle school policies and procedures, spend time with their teachers in classrooms, and tour the building prior to the first day of school. To ease congestions, we are going with a rotating schedule with 5th grade having an orientation session in the gym (5:05) and then time in classrooms followed by 6th grade (6:00) going to classrooms in their own time slot, followed by 7th and 8th grade. (6:45). This information is on the building Facebook page as a separate event for each grade, in the district website, and on Twitter. More prompts will come out as reminders as we get closer to the date.

Hemlock is a proud founding member (1979) of the prestigious and iconic Tri Valley Conference. Incredible school and competitive partnerships!

COUNTDOWN to the first day of school for students!

Ascension Lutheran church is hosting a community outreach-giving out back packs and supplies tonight from 6:00-8:00.

It's back-to-school preparation time. You can access supply lists for HMS grades 5-8 on our district website at http://www.hemlockps.com/

HBA Harvest Dinner Tickets Now Available.

We will soon be launching our improved communication platform, which will include an app, website, push notifications, and more.

Did you know? Hemlock High School has an award winning ice carving team! #HPSD #finearts