Hemlock, MI- Coach Bauer & Coach Neumeyer were honored by the Basketball Coaches Association of Michigan as the Region 12 Coaches of the Year. This is a prestigious award that is voted on by all Michigan high school basketball coaches.
Regarding the award Coach Bauer said, “Building relationships with opposing coaches is one of the more rewarding parts of coaching in my opinion. That is why the BCAM COY award is special to me because it was voted on by my coaching peers, many of whom are friends. These coaches know what goes into making a successful team and building a successful program. In the end, these awards don't just belong to me. I definitely share these awards with my coaching staff and all of the players that were in the battles.”
Coach Bauer has been a varsity coach since the age of 27 and has had many successful campaigns. This past year was no exception. He says of this past year’s team, “I knew last year's group had a very high ceiling. Meshing a talented senior group who had already had success the previous season with a very good group of kids coming up from the junior varsity was a great start. Probably the most important thing, though, was that the two groups got along so well. They really rooted for each other and bought into the team concept. Along the way, I've had good support from the administration, consistency with my coaching staff, and support from the community as a whole. Long term success does not come easy. It is so important to find the kids early who have a love for the game and immerse them in it.”
Coach Bauer also credits his relationship with Coach Neumeyer for their success over the years, “I think it is pretty rare that two coaches from the same school win that award. I work very well with Scott. We've been friends for a long time. Even though we coach different kids, we are always sharing ideas and pulling for each other and the Huskies!”
Coach Neumeyer said of this last year’s campaign, “Despite the early struggles, the girls never gave up, and that's a testament to their character and how they've been raised. In a day and age where many people have a tendency to quit when things become difficult, it was gratifying to see a group of girls stick together and dig in rather than give in. It was inspiring to me to see them do that, and I hope it served as an example to the younger kids in our program and in our community.”
The success that the program has been able to have is built around the idea of always striving to be better. Coach Neumeyer said, “First and foremost, I think it's great families with high-character kids who aren't afraid of hard work. The girls have been committed to not only being successful at the game of basketball, but to being successful in the classroom as well. I'm a big believer that teams are built during the season, but players are built in the off-season.”
Being honored with this award is a huge accomplishment for Coach Neumeyer, but he credits and shares the award with the people around him. “It means I've had great players and great coaches. Doug Peake, who served as our assistant coach for the past several years, was invaluable to me and to our program. The award is a reflection of all of the hard work that our coaches and athletes have put into the program, and I'm honored and humbled to have our program recognized by the other coaches in the area.”
Athletic Director, Mr. Snider is thrilled to be able to have two amazing coaches and mentors in the basketball programs. “To have two coaches honored with this award in the same year is a testament to the community, coaches, players, and school. Without everyone pulling the sled in the same direction, these types of wonderful recognitions wouldn't be possible.”
For more information about this or other positive happenings at Hemlock Public School District please call (989) 642-5282.