We will be having a Robotics Night at our home basketball game on Tuesday, December 11th. The event will take place 5-7:30pm in the high school student center and media center. Displays and information with be setup in the student center of the different robotics teams in our district:
Elementary FIRST Lego League Jr. - FLLJR
Lego Masters: Thinking Machines
Lightning Lego Builders
Smarty Pants
Marker Legos
FIRST Lego League - FLL
Hemlock Super Bots
Imagine Robots
Middle School
FIRST Tech Challenge - FTC
High School
FIRST Robotics Competition - FRC
Hemlock's Gray Matter
You will be able to see first hand what our kids are creating and learning with these programs. Kids will even get to drive the robot! Bring the family out for a great event and then stay to see some basketball. The varsity girls will play at 6pm and then the varsity boys at 7:30pm against St. Charles.
Kids on any of the teams - wear your robotics shirts! Show your family and friends what you have been working on!