SAT scores are a huge part of the college admission process. We help our students at Hemlock High by spotlighting their test scores and benchmarks so they can successfully prepare themselves for their next step after graduation.

We have an “SAT Data Wall” located in the main commons area of our schools. Students can  confidentially view their score and see how they stack up to the rest of their class. 

The SAT Data Wall’s information is proving to be very motivational. Students can view the average SAT scores required by state universities and see if their scores are good enough. For example, if you want to attend Michigan State it is helpful to know that the average SAT score for incoming MSU freshmen is 1190. If you're a freshman sitting at 950 you might want to kick it in gear. This awareness helps them track their progress, see where they can improve, and reinforce the importance of doing their best to achieve their dreams.
