Hemlock High School Culinary students celebrated Veteran’s Day by honoring several local heroes and heroines. As a tradition, each student invited a Veteran and a guest to a delicious family-style Thanksgiving Dinner earlier this month.
In preparation for the event, the students learned how to properly plan for thirty guests by figuring serving sizes, the number of batches, planning a 3-day prep schedule, and a timed schedule. They learned proper procedures in hosting and serving. And finally, they put their plan to action in the kitchen by creating a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner with delectable desserts to complete the evening.
“My students did an amazing job,” commented Mrs. LeAnn Gerard, “everyone in attendance left with smiles on their faces, happy taste buds and numerous compliments for my young chefs. I love teaching my students to use their gifts to help and honor others. My grandmothers and mom taught me and I’m passing on their kindness and wisdom. After all, it’s a tradition!”
The Hemlock Culinary Class would like to thank Jack’s Fruit and Meat Market in Shields for their generous donations of groceries for this event. Without Jack’s, this dinner wouldn’t be possible.
For more information about this or other positive happenings, contact Hemlock Public School District at (989) 642-5282 or visit us on the web at www.hemlockps.com.