Hemlock, MI – We all may be paddling away with great passion and purpose, all pointed in the right direction and all totally focused on doing what's best for each one of our students, but still, we can't avoid the fact that there's occasionally something bad rapidly sneaking right upon us.
Just like this shark is edging closer and closer to the kayak, the future needs of Hemlock Public School District aging facilities are also becoming looming issues.
Our district has major and significant work on the horizon, including new roofs, new windows, more efficient HVAC systems, safety & security improvements, and technology replacements.
The school board has sent an alert to the community by asking for voter’s consideration of a proposal to create a Sinking Fund for HPSD on the March 10, 2020, ballot.
It'd be fantastic if each one of us in the community became knowledgeable ambassadors of election information for our family and friends by attending, one of the several community meetings that the district has scheduled to help inform voters about the proposal and other school happenings.
Date Time Location
1/29, 2/12, 2/26 9 AM Central Office, 200 Wilson Street, Donuts with Don
2/10 6 PM Hemlock High School
2/17 6 PM Community Meeting, Hemlock High School
2/20 6 PM K.C. Ling Elementary
2/27 6 PM Hemlock Middle School
Make no mistake, the upcoming election is important to the future of our district and community. That is why the Hemlock Board of Education approved placing it on the ballot.
For more information about this or other positive happenings, contact Hemlock Public School District at (989) 642-5282 or visit us on the web at www.hemlockps.com.