MiSTEM Network awarded Thomas Lockwood a 2020 STEM Star Award.  Hemlock Public School District is grateful to Tom and all his hard work and dedication and would like to congratulate him on this honor.

Technology Director and Robotics Advisor Tom Lockwood said, “I am humbled that others have recognized my commitment to STEM education and inspiring students.” 

Lockwood has been instrumental in developing a robotics facility for each of the robotics teams in Hemlock grades 1-12. He has also been the district technology director, ensuring the schools have up-to-date technology to power the next generation. 

Superintendent Don Killingbeck said, “It is a pleasure to work with Tom. He is a leader, an innovator, and always keeps students at the heart of what he does.” 

Thank you, Tom Lockwood, for encouraging students to pursue STEM careers through the use of technology and robotics programs!