In a year filled with uncertainties created in the wake of a worldwide pandemic, the Hemlock Varsity Girls’ Basketball team demonstrated a level of grit and determination that was unparalleled. The team rose above a less than stellar start of the season that found the Lady Huskies 0-4 and wrapped the season up with an 8-game winning streak which included becoming District Champs, Regional Champs, and advanced to the Final Four.
The Lady Huskies season ended prematurely due to a COVID-19 related situation. Principal Green stated, “Unfortunately, the girls weren’t able to finish this monumental moment, but we couldn’t be prouder of our Lady Huskies. They are an extremely talented group of young ladies.”
Coach Neumeyer shared, “The character and attitude of these girls is nothing short of amazing. They were punched in the gut time and time again by injuries, shutdowns, and COVID restrictions this past year, yet somehow, they endured them. To make it all the way to the Final Four is a credit to their positive attitudes and their character. It’s disappointing that due to the current COVID protocols, they weren’t allowed to experience the opportunity of competing at the Breslin Center, but the girls can walk with their heads held high knowing that they gave everything that they possibly could. I couldn’t be prouder of what they accomplished not only on the court but more importantly, how well they represented Hemlock Schools and the Hemlock community. Thank you to the Hemlock community for once again supporting us this season. It’s an honor to represent them and call ourselves Huskies!”
These young ladies provided our school and community a shining example of teamwork, resilience, dedication, and so much more as they worked together to pull the sled. Each individual team member doing their part to make the whole group that much better.