Hemlock High School's Phillip Spannagel and Gage Slominski has worked with Michigan State University faculty over the summer on the Gas Cylinder Tracking project and the Water Purification Project.
The Gas Cylinder Tracking System Group have constructed a web application that will allow MSU employees to check-in and out gas cylinders into labs using their smartphones.
The Water Purification Group have been collaborating to remove fluoride from water without the use of electricity.
Superintendent Killingbeck stated, “This is a wonderful opportunity for two of our students to apply knowledge that they learned in the classroom and to press forward and continue to learn over the summer.”
Faculty from St. Andrews, Phillip and Gage would like to extend an invitation for you to enjoy student project presentations to find out the results of their experimentation and hard work over this past summer. Presentations will run on August 14th -16th at 7 pm and the link to access individual student presentation times and registration for the event can be found here: https://standrews.msu.edu/event/reception-and-final-presentations-by-the-summer-interns/