To the Parents of Young 5 and Kindergartners,
We are getting things at Hemlock Elementary School in tip-top shape for the return of students for the 2018-19 school year and are excited to welcome even more students back to this building.
Some points of Care and Concern for our parents:
Students riding the bus to and from school will be arriving and leaving from the northeast bus loop of Hemlock Elementary and entering the northeast doors near our cafeteria. Parent drop off and after-school pick up will also take place in this area. Students arriving late and being picked up early will need to be signed in and out of the office. (Lunch choice may need to be given in the office.)
After the first two weeks of school, once procedures and routines have been established, we will be asking that parents and visitors do not walk through the hallways or go to their child’s locker/classroom in the morning before the start of the school day unless prior arrangements have been made with the office. It is important for students to become independent and walk to their desired location (cafeteria, gymnasium, classroom, locker) and carry their own backpacks without parent assistance, but more importantly for the safety and security of our students. This will go a long way in helping us achieve our mission of keeping our students safe at all times.
We do encourage parents to volunteer in their child’s classroom. Those arrangements should be made with the classroom teacher. When volunteering in the building, you will sign-in at the front office and be asked to wear a visitor sticker. However, background check forms need to be completed prior to volunteering.
See you at Open House on August 22nd!