Terry Keyser has nominated Kris Kienitz as our Staff Recognition Highlight this week.Kris Kienitz is our afternoon secretary at Hemlock Middle School.
HMS Principal, Terry Keyser said, “Kris is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. She is also very creative and can think “outside of the box”. She is a smiling face for our students and staff. She has worked hard to make our building more inviting with decorated bulletin boards, by posting student and staff birthdays each month in our cafeteria, and decorating various other parts of the building to reflect Huskie Pride.”
Kris grew up on a dairy farm in Hemlock and graduated from Hemlock High School. From there she went on to earn an Associate’s degree from Delta College. Kris has two grown children: Courtney (27) and Karen (26). Her favorite place visited is Hawaii. Her 2019 summer highlight is camping. She loves to bake, garden (she’s famous in the area for her pumpkins!) and go camping. Kris’s favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. She worked as a secretary at several other places before joining our team at HMS. Kris is most proud of our students when they are respectful.
Karen Stine, middle school secretary said, “We are so blessed to be working side-by-side with such a kind, thoughtful and funny lady. Kris is proud to be a graduate of Hemlock and a resident. She’s creative, has a special bond with students, and cares about them.”