
The tech tools our students and teachers use every day are just that – tools! Like the tools used by all of us in our various jobs and activities, our school’s tech tools are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.

Every student has a Chromebook to help them access information, demonstrate learning, communicate with teachers, and with each other. Students use their Chromebooks to create music, art, and to research and solve problems.

Our tech tools spark greater teamwork and the sharing of new approaches, ideas, experiments, and online resources for learning. Our digital textbook resources support classroom instruction and provide additional supplemental learning for students at every level. These resources are also used by students to develop and submit ideas and work.

Communication--Collaboration--Creativity--Critical Thinking--are the cornerstones to becoming high school, college and career ready... and our teachers are amazing at helping our students effectively use their “tech tools” in preparing for future success.
