Hemlock Public School District is pleased to announce that Sarah Sweatland has been selected as the new Hemlock Middle School 5th and 6th-grade resource room teacher.
Sarah will be teaching 5th and 6th Grade Special Education and Math MTSS. She is originally from St. Charles, MI, but has spent quite a bit of time as a friendly face here at Hemlock Public Schools. Sarah has student-taught in our district and has been a long-term substitute teacher, as well. She has attended our middle school Washington D.C. trip with our students. The first-round interviews included a 15-minute presentation where she prepared and taught a lesson. The second-round included meeting in-person with two building administrators. The final round of interviews concluded with Superintendent Killingbeck.
Middle School Principal Mr. Chase said, "Sarah is so willing to learn new things. Her life-long approach to learning is one of her best attributes!” “Sarah loves Hemlock Middle School because it feels like being at home,” she shared “and everyone is always welcoming and willing to help each other.”
Sarah’s most proud moment was when she graduated with her Education Degree. There was never a doubt in her mind that teaching was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Earning her teaching certificate made her dreams a reality. Her favorite thing about Hemlock Middle School is the small-town atmosphere, the supportive staff, and great student body.
In her spare time, Sarah loves spending time with her family. Her parents Douglas and Michelle Sweatland, and brother Jon, are very proud of her and what she has achieved so far in her career. Her other hobbies include crafting and reading. Her favorite author is William Kent Krueger.
Ms. Sweatland’s favorite quote is “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
Welcome to Hemlock Middle School Miss Sweatland! We are happy to have you!