Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Disc Golf Club- will resume meeting next week, starting Monday from 3:00-4:00.  Speak to Mr. Schiller if you need a registration form or need to purchase any discs.

M-STEP- 7th grade Math-today

Ice Cream Sandwiches- will be sold tomorrow at lunch

4th Marking Period- MIDTERMS (tomorrow)

Salmon Release- 6th grade will be heading to Chippewa Nature Center Friday for the annual Salmon release.  Make sure you remember to pack a lunch.

6th grade P.E. students- report to the multi-purpose room today.  DO NOT take your chromebooks,but  bring a coat or sweatshirt you will be heading outside.


MS TRACK- today @ Alma 4:00


LOVE OF THE ARTS- May 8th the Gallery is from 5:00-7:00, Performance Arts

will be 7:00-9:00. Presale tickets are 5.00, we have them available in the Middle School office.  Tickets will be sold for $6.00 at the door.

Hemlock Youth Football Registration for the Fall will be held on Sunday, May 20th from 5-8 pm at the Ling Elementary Cafeteria. The youth football program is for students going into grades 4-8 next year. Please pick up a flyer from the office if you are interested.

Box Tops- Please clip any box tops from home and drop them off in the office.