Monday, September 24, 2018
Spirit Week- Homecoming is this week so that means we will be having dress-up days.
Tuesday- Sports Day wear items that support your favorite team
Wednesday- Favorite Movie Day have fun dressing up as a star/character from your favorite movie
Thursday- Color War- Each grade will dress in a specific color (5th-blue), (6th-red), (7th-green), (8th-orange)
Friday- Blue & White Day- wear your favorite blue & white gear to support our HUSKIES
5TH GRADE STUDENTS- Marshall Music will be here (tomorrow) Tuesday, September 25th during 1st hour to conduct testing for band.
7th & 8th Grade Robotics- will meet Tuesday (9/25) and Thursday (9/27) from 3-5.
7th & 8th grade Volleyball- good luck as you travel to Alma today. Bus leaves @ 3:30.
Little Pom Clinic- 5th grade girls interested in going to the pom clinic please return your completed form and money to the office no later than Monday, September 24th. The clinic runs from October 9th-12th right after school until 4:15 at Ling.
Box Tops- Please clip any box tops from home and drop them off in the office.
Rainy mornings-on days when you are allowed inside due to weather, 5th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 6th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 7th graders seated on north side tables in cafeteria, 8th graders in lobby. Remain there until 7:45 when bell rings.
Breakfast and lunch rules-everyone is expected to finish their meal in the cafeteria and dispose of all trash before leaving the cafeteria. Respect our building by keeping it litter free inside and out.
Ala carte Specials- starting today you will be able to purchase Sparkling Ice flavors for $1.25 (thursday only), and on Friday cookies one for $.75 or two for $1.00. You must have money on your account or cash.