HEMLOCK MIDDLE SCHOOL                   


Thursday, October 11, 2018

NEW INFORMATION -                 

End of the 1st Marking Period- October 26

7th Grade- Delta College S.T.E.M. field trip is this Friday.  You will be leaving after announcements and returning in time for lunch.


Cross Country-  Good luck to our cross country runners today as you travel to Delta College.

7th & 8th Grade Robotics- will meet TODAY October 11 from 3-5

The MS Parent/Athlete Meeting- for girls basketball and pom pon will be held on Thursday, November 1st at 5pm in the cafeteria.  

MS Girls Basketball- practice will begin on Monday, October 29th. 8th grade will be 3-4:30pm and 7th grade will be 4:30pm-6pm. In order to practice, you MUST have completed the following:

1) Parents MUST register in FinalForms. See directions below if you have not already completed this step.

2) Athletes MUST register in FinalForms. See directions below if you have not already completed this step. Use this live link to register https://hemlock-mi.finalforms.com

3) A valid physical MUST be on file with the Athletic Department (HS office). A valid physical is one done on or after April 15, 2018.

Any questions, please contact the Athletic Department at 989-642-5287.

MS Pom Pon- will be holding tryouts Monday, October 22nd - Friday, October 26th from 5:30-7:30pm in the middle school gym. In order to try-out, you MUST have completed the following:

1) Parents MUST register in FinalForms. See directions below if you have not already completed this step. Use this live link to register https://hemlock-mi.finalforms.com

2) Athletes MUST register in FinalForms. See directions below if you have not already completed this step.  Use this live link to register https://hemlock-mi.finalforms.com

3) A valid physical MUST be on file with the Athletic Department (HS office). 7th grade boys- there are open-gyms for basketball every Sunday here at the middle school from 6 p.m.-8 p.m..


Picture Retakes- October 24th

Haunted Train & Haunted House- Enjoy the Halloween fun @ Roethke Park October 12-13 & 19-20  $6.00 each or for $10.00 enjoy both. Flyers are in the office.

Monster Dash- gather your friends and family.   Dress-up in a costume and help out Special Olympics on October 20th. The dash will start at 10:00 a.m. on the campus of SVSU.  There will be costume prizes and treats handed out along the course. The cost is $20.00 if you register before 10/7, $25.00 if you register after 10/7.  Special Olympics Monster Dash Flyer

Box Tops- Please clip any box tops from home and drop them off in the office.

Rainy mornings-on days when you are allowed inside due to weather, 5th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 6th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 7th graders seated on north side tables in cafeteria, 8th graders in lobby. Remain there until 7:45 when bell rings.

Breakfast and lunch rules-everyone is expected to finish their meal in the cafeteria and dispose of all trash before leaving the cafeteria. Respect our building by keeping it litter free inside and out.

Ala carte Specials- starting today  you will be able to purchase Sparkling Ice flavors for $1.25 (thursday only), and on Friday cookies one for $.75 or two for $1.00.  You must have money on your account or cash.