Friday, December 7, 2018
Spelling Bee Results- Austin Wiley 1st place, Jade Huizar 2nd place, Kiley Brady 3rd place, They will all move on to the Regional Spelling Bee in February. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Christmas Dance- will be on Tuesday, December 18th from 2:45 - 4:30. You must be grade and discipline eligible and you can not have any overdue library books to attend the dance. In order to have the dance we will need parent chaperones so please ask your parents to help out and let Ms. Ludlum or Mrs. Curtiss know ASAP.
Reindeer Grams- we have order forms and a drop off box in the office for reindeer grams. They are .50 each and all orders must be turned in by December 14th. Please make sure you have the correct amount of money for your order.
Middle School Christmas Band Concert- will be December 19th in the High School gymnasium starting at 7:00 p.m..
6th Grade Band Students- all band students need to report to band today.
Robotics Night-We will be having a Robotics Night at our home basketball game on Tuesday, December 11th. he event will take place 5-7:30pm in the high school student center and media center. Displays and information with be setup in the student center of the different robotics teams in our district:
Elementary FIRST Lego League Jr. - FLLJR
Lego Masters: Thinking Machines
Lightning Lego Builders
Smarty Pants
Marker Legos
FIRST Lego League - FLL
Hemlock Super Bots
Imagine Robots
Middle School
FIRST Tech Challenge - FTC
High School
FIRST Robotics Competition - FRC
Hemlock's Gray Matter
You will be able to see first hand what our kids are creating and learning with these programs. Kids will even get to drive the robot! Bring the family out for a great event and then stay to see some basketball. The varsity girls will play at 6pm and then the varsity boys at 7:30pm against St. Charles.
Kids on any of the teams - wear your robotics shirts! Show your family and friends what you have been working on!
5th-8th grade MS Club Softball- sign-up sheet is in the office.
7th grade girls basketball- finally got the tables turned at Ithaca Thursday night by defeating the yellowjackets 17-15. This avenges an earlier loss just a few days ago.
The defense stood out for both teams as each team struggled to get clean shot attempts off.
Corrina Gomez started to find the way to the basket consistently scoring all 9 of her points in the second and third quarter. It was enough as the Huskies failed to score at all in the 4th quarter but held the yellowjackets to a lone free throw.
Mya Wunsch scored 4 points while Madi Penny chipped in 3. Jaedyn Malleck added a free throw before fouling out. While Emma Streich, Sophia Hauffe and Nataly Bodziachowski did not score, they combined their defensive efforts to help shut down Ithaca's best player in the 4th quarter.
8th Grade Girls Basketball- Last night Our 9 Incredibles gave everything they had but fell a little short to Ithaca. The score was 43-47. Regan Finkbeiner had 18 points as well as 5 steals. Chloe Watson had 9 points and 3 steals. Breanna Turner put up 6 points and 1 free-throw for a total of 7 points. Ella Wardlow contributed 5 points as well as several rebounds. Averi Hall scored 2 points. Charlie Munger also scored 2 points for her team. Any loss is hard to go through, but these girls are tough and can grab more wins for the rest of the season. Keep fighting girls!
Box Tops- Please clip any box tops from home and drop them off in the office.
Archery Classes- Thomas Township is offering a beginner’s archery class. Registration deadline is December 14th. Flyers are in the office.
Mornings-on days when it's 32 degrees or below, or snowing, you are allowed inside due to weather, 5th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 6th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 7th graders seated on north side tables in cafeteria, 8th graders in lobby. Remain there until 7:45 when bell rings.
Breakfast and lunch rules-everyone is expected to finish their meal in the cafeteria and dispose of all trash before leaving the cafeteria. Respect our building by keeping it litter free inside and out.
Ala carte Specials- starting today you will be able to purchase Sparkling Ice flavors for $1.25 (thursday only), and on Friday cookies one for $.75 or two for $1.00. You must have money on your account or cash.