
Attention Hemlock Middle School family!

Here are some last-minute details to prepare you for our first school day.

  1. DROP OFF - Parents, please use the new and improved drop-off lane in the front of the building.  Students must be ready to exit the vehicle in the drop-off zone in front of the building.  After dropping your child off, continue around the loop to exit the parking lot.

  1. BUILDING ENTRY - Students will enter the building through their designated entry doors.  There will be supervision at each entry point.

5th grade  - Enter through door #10 at 7:45 am

6th grade -  Enter through door #7 at 7:45 am

7th & 8th grade - Enter through the main entrance (door #1) at 7:45 am

Students who wish to eat breakfast should enter through door #30 at arrival.

  1. MORNING ROUTINE - Upon entering the building, students should put their belongings in their locker and report to their first-hour classroom.  

  1. LUNCHTIME - Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria as we have in years past.  Lunch periods are as follows:

            7th & 8th grade - 11:28 am - 11:58 am

            5th & 6th grade - 12:22 pm - 12:52 pm

  1. END OF DAY - Parents should line up in the drop-off lane or park in the parking lot to pick up their students.  Students should only enter the parking lot through the designated crosswalks!

  1. DRESS CODE - As the summer heat is still upon us, please make sure that all students are dressing within our dress code that is located in our student handbook.  Our handbook is located on our website.

  1. PHONE CODE - Students can use their phones before school, at lunchtime, and after school.  During the school day, students should leave their phones (on silent mode) in their lockers.