Friday, February 8, 2019
Hemlock Youth Baseball & Softball- on-line sign-up only visit:
www.hemlockyouthbaseballandsoftball.com after February 23rd there will be a $15.00 late fee. Flyers are in the office with important information that you will need to know.
Most Spirited Teacher Award- take a minute this morning to open your email and vote for the teacher would like to be recognized at the Saginaw Spirit game February 15th. Tickets will be discounted for students that night. Discounted ticket price is $6.50. If you’re interested in attending the game, please let the office know so we can reserve your ticket.
Today’s menu- Beef Tacos or BBQ Rib Hoagie
Spelling Bee Participants- the Regional Spelling Bee will be held on Sunday, February 17, at Merrill High School. Registration is at 12:30. This is a change from the information you received at the district bee. Practice will be Tuesday 2:45-3:30.
ATTENTION CLASS OF 2023- freshman orientation has been rescheduled for March 12 starting @7:30.
Spring Pictures- Lifetouch will be here taking spring pictures February 15th. You can order online using ID: LM438173Y0. We also have order forms in the office.
Box Tops- Please clip any box tops from home and drop them off in the office.
Mornings-on days when it's 32 degrees or below, or snowing, you are allowed inside due to weather, 5th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 6th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 7th graders seated on north side tables in cafeteria, 8th graders in lobby. Remain there until 7:45 when bell rings.
Breakfast and lunch rules-everyone is expected to finish their meal in the cafeteria and dispose of all trash before leaving the cafeteria. Respect our building by keeping it litter free inside and out.
Ala carte Specials- starting today you will be able to purchase Sparkling Ice flavors for $1.25 (thursday only), and on Friday cookies one for $.75 or two for $1.00. You must have money on your account or cash.