Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Mandatory- Washington D.C. pre-trip meeting on Thursday, April 4 at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school cafeteria.
All students who are planning to go on the 2018 Washington D.C. trip must attend this meeting along with a parent/guardian.
If you are chaperoning the trip, please also plan to meet at 5:00 in room 2 (Mrs. Pedelty’s room) for a chaperone only meeting.
Recycle Contest 2019- This contest is for any 7-12 grade student. The 2019 Focus is on composting. Your submission can be in the form of video, essay, poetry, song or poster. Grand prize in each category is $100.00, 2nd place $50.00, 3rd place a Certificate of Appreciation. If you are interested stop by the office and pick up a flyer. Deadline is April 5th.
5th-8th Grade- If you are interested in joining the Equestrian Team we have a sign-up sheet in the office.
Fun Fair- The class of 2021 will be having a Fun Fair night here at the Middle School March 20th from 6 - 8 p.m.. There will be carnival games, cake walk, and food. All ages are welcome! Tickets are 4/1.00 at the door or 5/1.00 in advanced at Ling Elementary.
MS Track- if you are interested in participating in track there is a sign-up sheet in the office. **Please Note- if you have signed up in the office you should sign up as well using Finalforms.
Peer to Peer- there is a meeting today during lunch in room 19
Menu Changes- March 15th- Big Daddy’s Pizza and Hot dogs. March 22nd- Hot Turkey Gravy and Pepperoni Pizza
Thomas Township Parks & Recreation- Spring Soccer and Girls Softball flyers are in the office.
Washington DC 2020 Kick Off Meeting- for 7th grade families at 5:00 on Thursday, March 14 in the Middle School cafeteria. Information packets will go home with 7th grade students prior to the meeting. Please email Mrs. Pedelty (pedelty@hemlockps.com) with any questions.
Box Tops- Please clip any box tops from home and drop them off in the office.
Mornings-on days when it's 32 degrees or below, or snowing, you are allowed inside due to weather, 5th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 6th graders sitting at their lockers in their hallway, 7th graders seated on north side tables in cafeteria, 8th graders in lobby. Remain there until 7:45 when bell rings.
Breakfast and lunch rules-everyone is expected to finish their meal in the cafeteria and dispose of all trash before leaving the cafeteria. Respect our building by keeping it litter free inside and out.
Ala carte Specials- starting today you will be able to purchase Sparkling Ice flavors for $1.25 (thursday only), and on Friday cookies one for $.75 or two for $1.00. You must have money on your account or cash.