Thanks to our friends at Stevens Van Lines as they've donated nearly $2,000 worth of equipment to the Lockwood STEM Center.
To all our Hemlock Huskie Mother's
“The true secret of happiness lies in the taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.”
– William Morris
Amazing Learning Opportunity.
FYI - Our high school will be remote tomorrow through next Wednesday, May 12th. Follow this link for more information:
Students from Saint Peter Lutheran School toured Hemlock High School. They were able to drive robots at the STEM Center and check out the ceiling tiles painted by high school seniors as a much loved tradition. Do great things - Join the Pack.
It's okay to look like this after a long day of testing. Testing season is almost done - great work everyone!
The Kimball family stopped by this weekend to tour the Lockwood STEM Center. Mitch Kimball is the Chief Strategy officer at Moss. Hemlock Schools and Moss have partnered to provide our students and staff the highest quality classroom technology solutions. Recently Moss made a $25,000 in-kind contribution of Audio Video Equipment to the STEM Center.
Coming Soon-The Ever After-A Musical-See Flier for Details!
Let's join together and celebrate Hemlock Public School District teachers this week as our nation celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week. #real_life_superheroes
The Varsity Boys Baseball remain undefeated as they play against a top ranked team: Garber High School. Huskies pull the sled in game 1 to a 6-2 victory.
Earth Day circa 2019, Huskies still doing their part to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Did you know HPSD partners with Dale Carnegie? Our leaders are top performers! #WTG_MrChase #huskietastic #PullTheSled
Hemlock Public School District Board of Education honors, administrative assistants: Jamie Galbraith, Melissa Jaremba, Karen Stine, Kris Kienitz, Jackie Miller, Kelly Phillion, and Lela Gronski at their regular April meeting. #WTG #PullTheSled #huskietastic
5 years ago today, Hemlock Gray Matter competing at States.
Girls Varsity Soccer, Huskies pull the sled passed Ithaca for an undefeated 4-0 start to their season. #WTG #huskietastic