Ready for runners! The Bill Agresta Cross-Country Course was dedicated earlier this year and now is adorned with the proper signage.

Great day to be a VIP at the Summer Rec Kids in the Kitchen Camp! #learningtakesnobreaks #learningmadefun #HPSD

Don't forget, Hemlock Farmer's Market - Thursday nights from 4-7 p.m. in the park.

Future Picasso(s) in the making at Hemlock Early Childhood Center. #Art #Summerfun #HPSD

Do you ever wonder what is going on at school when the students are gone? Getting ready for their return! The first day of school, Tuesday, August 29th. #cleaningup #freshpaint #gettingready #HuskiePride

Don't let learning take a break! Visit Raucholz Memorial Library! http://www.rauchholzlibrary.org/#/
#focusandgrow #keeplearning

No Tradition like Huskie Tradition!

Hemlock Summer Recreation Summer Camps are a big hit this year! This week, Kids in the Kitchen @ the park! #learningmadefun

History and ice cream go together like peanut butter and jelly! Join the Hemlock Historical Society for the Ice Cream Social & 2017 Exhibit Opening this Wednesday, July 19th from 5-7 PM. #learnfromthepast

Join the Pack! Click for the 2017-18 School of Choice application. #Huskies Run in Packs!

Learning does not take a summer vacation! #focusandgrow #keepreading

Getting ready for the first day of school, Tuesday, August 29th!

Learning about thrillshare today.

Congrats, Gentlemen: District Champs!

Congrats, Lady Huskies! District Champions

Nexteer engineers present to K.C. Ling students about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.